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Costa Rica

I have chosen these pins because I found them fun looking, especially if you were to take a trip to Costa Rica for a while and wanted a list of things to do. I also chose one for its interesting facts about the Country.

If I were to go to Costa Rica I would have to:

1. Try some of the exotic foods.

2. Visit the Sloth Sanctuary.

3. Go on a jungle hike, experiencing the wildlife.

4. Go rappelling down a waterfall.

5. Go visit some of the beautiful beaches.

Follow Kyle’s board Costa Rica on Pinterest.

Martes el trece #1


1.¿Adónde fue él cuando se rompió el brazo?

He went to the hospital when he broke his arm.

Él fue a el hospital cuando su rompió el brazo.

2.¿Por qué llegó tarde él a la escuela?

He arrived late because he missed (perder) the bus.

Él llegó tarde proque él perdí el autobus.

3.¿Por qué pensó él que el miércoles sea(would be) mejor día?

Because his friend gave him good news about his wallet.

Porque su amigo dio buenos noticias sobre su cartera.

4.¿Por qué recibió una detención en la clase de ciencias?

He received a detention because he talked too much(demasiado) in science class.

Él recibió una detención porque él habló demasiado en las clase de ciencia.

5.¿Qué comió él para el almuerzo?

He didn’t eat nothing for lunch.  (remember, in Spanish, you want to answer with a double negative here)

Él no comió nada para el almuerzo.

Health Fad Diets Assignment

A fad diet is a weight loss plan or aid that promises dramatic results. These diets typically don’t result in long-term weight loss and they are usually not very healthy. In fact, some of these diets can actually be dangerous to your health. Fad Diets are so popular because they target people who want to lose weight and are willing to try anything. They work by targeting your eating habits and normally will reduce your calorie intake to cause you to lose weight.


Fad diets can be recognized if they:

Claim to help you lose weight very quickly (more than 1 or 2 pounds per week). Remember, it took time for you to gain unwanted weight and it will take time to lose it.

Promise that you can lose weight and keep it off without giving up “fatty” foods or exercising on a regular basis. If a diet plan or product sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Base claims on “before and after” photos.

Offer testimonials from clients or “experts” in weight loss, science or nutrition. Remember that these people are probably being paid to advertise the diet plan or product.

Draw simple conclusions from complex medical research.

Limit your food choices and don’t encourage you to get balanced nutrition by eating a variety of foods.

Require you to spend a lot of money on things like seminars, pills or prepackaged meals in order for the plan to work.

If someone wants to lose weight they should:

Eat breakfast every day and don’t skip meals.

Eat a variety of foods (including plenty of whole grains, vegetables and fruits) to ensure that you get all of your daily nutrients.

Limit your daily intake of saturated fat, trans fat, cholesterol and sodium.

Limit the amount of sugar in your diet. High-sugar foods are often high in calories and low in nutrients.

Limit liquid calories. Avoid sugary soda, alcohol and juices (choose whole fruits instead).

Watch the size of your portions. Use the nutrition label to determine what a serving size is.

Exercise on a regular basis. The best kind of exercise is exercise that you’ll keep doing, so choose an activity that you enjoy. Aim for 30 to 60 minutes, 4 to 6 times per week.

Be more physically active in your daily life. Park farther away from the door and take the stairs when you can. Get a pedometer or step counter and gradually work up to taking 10,000 steps per day.



Ender’s Game Setting and Theme

Enders Game Setting

The Thrill and The Longing

In this collection I’ve tried to show the feelings and emotions of Ender as he went through training at an accelerated rate, and how he might could have have felt during his trials and at the end of his long and toilsome trail of test and challenges as he defeated his enemies. Hall Of Fame Eye of the Tiger Carry On Wayward Son I Can’t Fight This Feeling Anymore Headlong