Ethan Frome Setting & Theme Link

I feel that Ethan Frome has many experiences in which if not for his manners, and the way he was raised he would have not handled them in the same way as someone else may have.For instance, when he contemplates leaving Zeena he thinks of leaving her his farm and all his money if he was to leave her, but even then knowing that it would never be enough for her, chooses not to leave her. This shows his honor and well respected side that even though he had been contemplating leaving Zeena he realized he would basically be killing her if he left her with such little money, and so instead stays, even though it causes him much pain.Also, when Ethan is crippled and broken and believes Zeena knows how he loved Mattie he tries to still do things for Mattie and Zeena, because though broke himself he is their primary source of care and without him they would likely die. In this is see a selfless man who though not liking of it and more than likely in great pain because of it does acts of great kindness and selflessness for those he does love, even though in a way he is broken because of them. In conclusion, Ethan Frome’s background keep him from deserting his wife for the one he truly loves and keeps him doing normally acts for his family, that probably cause him great pain.

 Ethan Frome Theme

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